Reasons You Should Strength Train: What The Studies Show
Lower Body Fat A 2009 study found that the average woman who strength-trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly 2 pounds of muscle and lose 3.5 pounds of fat. Women typically don’t develop big muscles from strength training because, compared to men, women have significantly less testosterone that cause…
Ultra-Processed Foods: Are They Really That Bad For Us?
A 2021 study found that a diet with a combination of processed and unprocessed foods had more nutrients than a diet composed of only unprocessed foods with the same calories. The study also found that food patterns created using unprocessed foods were significantly more expensive than those created using foods in the ultra-processed category. PMID:…
Caffeine Supplementation Study Comparing Men & Women
Most studies that have shown the positive effects of caffeine supplementation on sports performance have been carried out on men. However, the differences between sexes are evident in terms of body size, body composition, and hormonal functioning, which might cause different outcomes on performance for the same dosage of caffeine intake in men vs women.…
The Effects of Stress: Women vs Men
A 2007-2010 study titled “Stress and Gender” involving thousands of participants by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that: Women are more likely than men (28% vs 20%) to report having a great deal of stress. Almost half of all women (49%) surveyed said their stress has increased over the past five years, compared to…
How To Stop Eating From Boredom
IDENTIFY YOUR TRIGGERS Identifying the triggers in your life that tend to cause the urge to eat when you’re bored is key to breaking the habit. List notes in a food journal about what you’re doing that make you feel the urge to eat so you can identify and stop boredom eating patterns. Some common…
How to change your relationship with food
How to change your relationship with food As humans, it’s clear that our relationship with food plays a crucial role in our lives. It impacts our physical health, emotional well-being, and so much more. But sadly, sometimes that relationship can become unhealthy. When we have a bad relationship with food, we might find ourselves eating…
The Terrifying Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting
Reasons you need to stop yo-yo dieting right now (backed by research). Yo-yo dieting, also known as “weight cycling,” describes the pattern of losing weight, regaining it and then dieting again. It’s a process that causes weight to go up and down like a yo-yo. This type of dieting is common in 10% of men…